Characteristics and Reasons for Mergers and Acquisitions in the Global Medical Device Industry

In recent years, the global medical device industry has shown three major characteristics in mergers and acquisitions: 1) becoming larger and larger, leading to increasing concentration, with fewer and fewer potential acquisition targets.



Breast cancer is a chronic disease that is controllable, treatable, and not frightening.

Every October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, also known as "Pink Ribbon Month." The pink ribbon is a recognized symbol of global breast cancer prevention and treatment activities, aimed at promoting early prevention, early detection, and early treatment.



Breaking! Intraperitoneal hyperthermic chemotherapy can extend the life of patients with advanced ovarian cancer by one year.

Based on the secondary analysis of the Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG) 172 and the GOG172 trial, researchers found that the survival benefits of intraperitoneal chemotherapy for patients with advanced ovarian cancer can last for at least 10 years.


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